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Trip Diary

Haste ye back - A week aboard the Lady of Avenel in the Outer Hebrides

Following months of anticipation I finally set off on the SwimTrek Outer Hebrides trip this August, having made an impulsive decision to book some 8 months earlier. I was full of both excitement and trepidation: excitement at the prospect of spending a week doing my favourite activity in my...

My time on the inaugural trip in the Outer Hebrides

As this trip was so different to the SwimTrek trips I have previously been on, it threw up some new, pre-trip anxieties – a week living on a tall ship, sharing a tiny cabin, my snoring, Outer Hebrides weather, wet kit staying wet and slapping me in the face constantly, washing facilities,...

My Great Outdoor Adventure in Lithuania

My wife introduced me to the concept of a swimming “holiday” in 2008 after her first SwimTrek experience in the previous year. Since then my wife and I have been clocking up our SwimTrek mileage having completed six and five trips respectively. Of these, two involved swimming in freshwater - one...

Turquoise waters and deep-set friendships in Croatia

When you look back at a week that’s gone by all too quickly you realise just how far you’ve come. The initial trepidation at the first gathering; introducing yourself and hoping you will fit in and will find your people amongst the 14 other strangers sat in the round. And find your fit you will;...

My Milos Adventure - July 2016

Though this is my eighth SwimTrek, I am always nervous at the first meeting. With me, are 5 great friends that I met on my first SwimTrek all those years ago. I think as I sit down, who are the other swimmers, will anyone swim like me, why didn't I train more,what are the plans for the week....

The Last Stretch - Fran in Montenegro. Part 4.

Another lovely breakfast and we set off in a bus. Not our usual boat. We arrived at the Lake Skader and set off in a new boat. Big and well shaded we enjoyed the trip through what looked like mangroves with lily pads until we reached a small island - a former prison. That's where we set off...

Happy Endings - Fran in Montenegro. Part 3.

We all love a day with a Happy Ending and today was no exception. It started well with pancakes for breakfast (and there were some very creative toppings) and continued on throughout the day. Before leaving we had a ‘do it yourself’ lunch, where everyone made their own wrap. Some became every...

Slick swimming - Fran in Montenegro. Part 2.

Breakfast was again a feast, especially the Montenegran style donuts. Our host was very pleased with the glowing comments and has promised pancakes tomorrow! Lucky we're swimming. Down to the boat and Captain Pietro welcomed us on board and off we went to the little island we swam to...

Let the Swim Begin - Fran in Montenegro. Part 1.

Flying in over Dubovnik was magical, creating excitement for the start of our swim trek holiday in Montenegro. Waiting for 2 1/2 hrs in Dubovnik wasn't quite so exciting! We had coffee, read and played 'I Spy' trying to spot fellow Swim Trekkers waiting for the transfer. I spotted...

It's all Greek for me

“Kalimera! Good morning swimmers.” “Today we are…….” spoiled for choice. “Work it, work it, work it!?” If that confuses you, you haven’t met Akis. If you haven’t met Akis you haven’t been on the Cyclades SwimTrek: the original SwimTrek and worthy of all that followed it. You haven’t boarded the...