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Photo Of The Year

SwimTrek: Photo of the Year, 2021

By Jack Hudson , 02 December, 2021

This past month, we were passing around ideas about how to sum up 2021 for you. Then, as we often do, we began to scroll through our trove of SwimTrekker photos, from Sardinia's Emerald Coast to the Cascade Lakes of Oregon. Suddenly we found ourselves picking out a selection of some of our favourite shots and memories from around the world - further evidence that nothing (notwithstanding a pandemic) can get between a swimmer and their long-awaited patch of open water...


JANUARY | Thornton Allen, Emerald Coast Long Swims


FEBRUARY | Leigh Elliott, Greek Cyclades Short Swims


MARCH | Jane Weston, Lake and Tarns Weekender


APRIL | Sally McGrath, Introduction to Open Water - Brighton


MAY | Sally Smith, Lizard Peninsula


JUNE | Valentina McCoy, Outer Hebrides


JULY | Laura Legros, Milos Explorer


AUGUST | Katherine Heath, Western Lakes


SEPTEMBER | Patrick Gallagher, Cascade Lakes


OCTOBER | Lauren Newcomb, Dalmatian Coast


NOVEMBER | Michael Samway, British Virgin Islands


DECEMBER | Tim (SwimTrek Guide), Puerto Rico

And, finally, we've come to our pick for the best stand-out photo of 2021! We love all of the above, but somehow this particular shot just kept drawing us back. Maybe it's how irresistible this particular expanse of azure water looks. Or, it could be the suggestion of an adventurous crossing to a distant, uninhabited island - a highlight experience from our classic Milos trips. Whatever it is, Laura has definitely captured the thrill of riding calm seas and swimming between sunlit Greek Islands!


WINNER | Laura Legros, Milos Explorer Long Swims

Have a great photo you think we missed? Please send your best aquatic shots to marketing@swimtrek.com and we will share them out on our social channels...


SwimTrek: Photo of the Year, 2022

Another year, another fresh selection of adventures captured by SwimTrekkers around the world... Coming to the close of 2022, a few weeks ago, we decided to run our annual photo round-up again and crown the definitive Photo of the Year from another year of exciting swim travel. This time, we...

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